Dear Gratitude,
We have come a long way. You've taught me so much about being with my feelings and the duality of life. I'm glad that I don't feel the need to fake a relationship with you anymore. I no longer hear the voices of my elders saying, "Well, you should be grateful," when I wasn't or didn't know how to be. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you for myself. We are close friends now. We know each other well.
There was a time in my life when I wanted nothing to do with you. You felt pretentious and disingenuous. I thought about how hard it was to be grateful in a world full of suffering. How gratefulness felt like a lie because I wanted more than what I had. I would scoff at the thought of you. But you've so graciously taught me that two, three, and even four things can be true at once. Discovering this has been such a remarkable thing for me. Growing up, I didn't have anyone teaching me about duality of life or that I didn't have to fake being grateful to make the adults around me feel better about themselves. It's been a beautiful journey growing with you and learning what embodying you truly looks and feels like—for myself.
What I love most about you is your ability to show up in the smallest things, the tiniest and most sacred moments.
I see you in the dancing limbs of trees on windy days, the blooming flowers in Spring. I hear you in the laughter of my children and the encouragement in my husband's voice. I taste your sweetness and delight in a home cooked meal and my hot cup of coffee. I feel you when I walk into my home and lay down on my couch. Something about those micro-moments makes me feel most held and healed by you. Those miniscule and even mundane things are what bring me back to you and the truth of my life.
I am grateful to be here.
Thank you for showing me what genuinely matters in this life. Thank you for not forcing me to see you, but instead, staying steady with your presence in my life even when I've turned away. You are a glorious teacher—a kind and patient friend. You are a huge part of why I continue striving for a simple yet impactful life. I am open to your wisdom. As I age, mature, and change, I am grateful for all of your lessons.
You've reminded me there's nothing too small to see the value in—that I can still have dreams, goals, and intentions while appreciating the path of my current journey. Gratitude, you've opened my eyes. You've shown me the beauty in and of being alive.
I am forever thankful for all you've brought to my attention.
Alex, This tribute is simply beautiful. Thank you. D
This warmed my heart this morning. Thank you. What a wonderful way to start a Friday 🥰