"You remind me that I am not broken."...this, Joy, is the most potent and dynamic proof that you exist. I feel you in the abyss of me. Previously, you only sat, attached to my face, represented as a smile, and my held breath to make others comfortable in my space. I wore the fake you well. Your existence was clouded by depression and defeat. I didn't have a real relationship with you and made no space for you to be. But now...oh, but now...I beam with you! You are real! You glow from my pupils and are the rhythm of my heartbeat. I am enveloped in all that you represent, and even on those less-than-great days, you have a room now, a space in me to call home, where you live peacefully and can rest when I am bent...but not broken.

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What I love most about joy is that it comes in moments, fully formed, intense. It is not required to persist but can sneak into spaces between.

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the Daily Ceremony card i picked today for our collective year: JOY.

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Dear Joy,

We share a middle name. I have learned how to find you in the darkest places. You sprinkle in enough endurance to carry on. You remind me that this, too, shall pass. You may be present in a memory that is not separate from a sad occurrence. You are in the short giggle when I feel like swinging in the park during my lunch walk. You may pop up as a photograph in my memory. You may exist in the smell of my favorite childhood food. You show up differently depending on what I need in the moment. You persist with relentless assurance. You're cyclical and remind me that no feeling is permanent, even joy. I find you and carry you in my heart because it is you that serve as a constant reminder that I am here. I am life. I will always return.

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Hey you,

Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while. I had a pretty traumatic year with out you. Thank you for flowing back in like a wind that’s brought doves, roses, butterflies and the smell of sweet love. I’ve missed you my friend, may you come in this year and bring belly giggles sweet victories with hope that heals provides the God love that washes over us and makes all things new.

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Joy is one of my words for the new year. The other is devotion. Both words remind me to lean into situations that may seem difficult and to honor myself when I'm filled with doubt or fear.

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I was too nervous on one hand...and too excited on the other. By a combination of both worlds? I hope to first? Harvest...to draw my fill from the wells of life. To plant...with Only God given and blessed seed with the planting become nurtured. Lastly, Hope. I hope to be a Giver. And I hope to give everything...(that's how you get it)...I enjoy giving...the more I apply myself the more I hope to receive for the efforts.

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Alex, Just this morning I too decided to focus deeply on joy this year. I have a bit of a twist - Joy equals Connection. If one wants more joy focus on connection. Great piece -And Good luck. D

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Dear Joy,

Last year you were on my vision board. I hoped to find more of you. See more of you. Feel more of you. Although the year was rough, I recognized you a little more. I hope this year, we get more acquainted.

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"Joy and Jo - we are intertwined. We are meant to be.

But when life delivers her challenges sometimes I forget to see

To see, that you are right there surrounding me.

Your circular "O" arms soon gather around my frown, and remind me that I hold the key.

Pause Pause Pause, and then there you are again, when I just stop and BE."

"EnJOY the ride" was the message for 2024 that came to me instinctively after doing my New Year gateway jump ritual last night.

Thank you Alex for all you do out there and in here. Was joyful to have a little play around with this idea today.

Happy New Year from one of the first places to see the sun. Jo🌻

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I en-joyed this very much, thank you!

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Thank you for sharing such an amazing piece!❤️

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Joyful Solutions is the name of my business. I created it 5 years ago when I separated from my husband of 20 years, and started my health coaching career. I did not experience much joy with him, but as an optimistic woman with loving and supportive family I did have joy in other parts of my life.

My faith and family have helped me through some very difficult years of losing my Dad to cancer, and my sister to suicide, as well as my marriage, and other traumatic events. I am coming out of the fog and

choosing JOY and INTENTION for 2024.

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I helped my former boyfriend pick out a new kitty this Christmas. She needed a name. Before we left the shelter we knew that Joy was going to bring much needed healing, love, hope, and daily companionship to Chad, and a place I can go to for my unmet companionship. I live in an assisted living facility, and was forced to re-home my furry feline companions, Ichabod and Atlas, 18 months ago. It nearly broke my spirit. Then Chad moved out of our unit and I’m now living alone. This is just one reason I just registered for your upcoming online workshop. I have a huge amount of loss in my life.

I’ve tried many times to re-start my life. My health has the form of an amoeba. I was not able to keep up with my life goals. Finding new goals feels like sticking my hand into quicksand and praying that I will grab onto something meaningful. Everything I’ve tried has eventually fizzled. The book, “Who Moved My Cheese?” reflects my experience for nearly 20 years. It’s been because of my failing mental, and associated physical health. My normalcy keeps degrading. I’m not even 60.

Writing is one of the things that does bring me joy, but I would love to access my mind better, especially the good times. I also need to learn to be more prophetic and observant, but that’s something I can only teach myself.

I would love to start writing in my Gratitude Journal again. I stopped a few years ago. That was a mistake. Reading it does give me great memories of what sometimes are some of the things I would have forgotten because my mind is failing me.

I enjoy writing and consider myself inept at Zoom. Hence, I missed the link to send my email properly to gain the link.

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Dear Joy, I have shied away from you, as if hanging out with you would mean taking my eye off the ball and allowing danger to sneak in through the backdoor. I saw you as frivolous and a distraction from the seriousness of life. I failed to see how you brought balance, vitality, meaning and connection. I'm beginning to get it. Please don't stop knocking on my door. I promise I'll try to put down what I'm doing and give you my full and wholehearted attention ❤️

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