I was discarded some months ago for someone I cared deeply for. I’ve realized I was doing the majority of the caring and that’s a pattern I don’t wish to repeat. I will never compromise my worth because someone can’t fully afford it again. Thank you for reminding me of this. :)
I wept reading this. It’s like you’ve read all of my journals and heard my deepest and most intimate conversations with God. Thank you so much for sharing this—for seeing me, and making space for me here in these words. Sending so much love and gratitude to you. 🩷
This was a very timely post for me! I've been working through similar struggles. It's always nice to read how you approached this challenge with self-compassion and honesty
Beautifully said Alex! I’ve been pruning people from my life who are misaligned as I’ve evolved through some extremely challenging but ultimately positive life changes. I’m putting my faith in the universe or the powers that be to use this time to nurture my own self-worth and be the friend I’ve always longed for. Then maybe I’ll meet the right people but self-love and showing up authentically comes first.
How can I say this right on time? This season feels so heavy. I’m currently mourning the loss of a friendship/relationship and what I wanted and hoped it’d be. It’s also triggering a previous loss that’s similar. Mourning the losses, but slowly leaning in and celebrating self-preservation and welcoming new, deserving friendships/relationships. Thank you AE.❤️
Taking this message as particularly timely. A friend from long long ago (high school!) reached out, out of the blue, and I've been second guessing my decision not to "reconcile" after things have ended between us. I needed to read and remember that it's okay to be greatful for the connect when it was AND also be greatful that it ended. Both can be right for me. Thank you for this read ❤️
This is so timely. I take each connection I accept into my life seriously - maybe it's the only child in me, longing for deeper connection - so, I find it difficult to simply let go when a relationship has run it's course. Your recent writings on this have been helpful for me as I navigate the release of connections that no longer serve me. It's a painful realization that a connection you valued, did not value you in return. My lesson has been not to internalize it - something I'm still working on. Thank you for sharing - after reading this I feel a little less alone.
This. Still working through the sadness of the end of a relationship and looking forward to the day when I can remember the good and appreciate the lessons. Thank you ❤️
This was such a beautiful read--thank you! So many little nuggets of goodness in this essay, and I think the one that struck me the most was; "Some connections are intended to end, and in their ending, they teach us how to choose ourselves again." I felt this so deeply. It's not selfish to choose yourself--it's healing. It's necessary. It's loving yourself enough to choose yourself, and that can be a hard thing to muster. Thank you again for this essay. Sending you nothing but love, admiration and gratitude.
Thank you for something so beautifully written and so meaningful. I’ve recently walked away from a long term relationship and I was meant to read this. Thank you.
I was discarded some months ago for someone I cared deeply for. I’ve realized I was doing the majority of the caring and that’s a pattern I don’t wish to repeat. I will never compromise my worth because someone can’t fully afford it again. Thank you for reminding me of this. :)
Cheers to acknowledging patterns that we no longer wish to repeat! <3
I wept reading this. It’s like you’ve read all of my journals and heard my deepest and most intimate conversations with God. Thank you so much for sharing this—for seeing me, and making space for me here in these words. Sending so much love and gratitude to you. 🩷
*big hugs* We are never alone. Sending you love.
This was a very timely post for me! I've been working through similar struggles. It's always nice to read how you approached this challenge with self-compassion and honesty
Thank you for reading! I'm glad it resonated. x
Beautifully said Alex! I’ve been pruning people from my life who are misaligned as I’ve evolved through some extremely challenging but ultimately positive life changes. I’m putting my faith in the universe or the powers that be to use this time to nurture my own self-worth and be the friend I’ve always longed for. Then maybe I’ll meet the right people but self-love and showing up authentically comes first.
May the people who are for you find you! Thank you for reading and sharing this reflection.
How can I say this right on time? This season feels so heavy. I’m currently mourning the loss of a friendship/relationship and what I wanted and hoped it’d be. It’s also triggering a previous loss that’s similar. Mourning the losses, but slowly leaning in and celebrating self-preservation and welcoming new, deserving friendships/relationships. Thank you AE.❤️
So many of us are in a growth season of shedding. Sending you love and patience as you navigate it. x
Thank you for putting into words what I feel, the reminder I needed to hear, and Offering a camaraderie in the process of healing.
Thank you for reading! We are never alone.
Thank you I really needed this today is a tough day.
hugs and love to you, jackie!
Taking this message as particularly timely. A friend from long long ago (high school!) reached out, out of the blue, and I've been second guessing my decision not to "reconcile" after things have ended between us. I needed to read and remember that it's okay to be greatful for the connect when it was AND also be greatful that it ended. Both can be right for me. Thank you for this read ❤️
Thank you for reading, Myrtie! Sending you love and clarity as you navigate this.
This is so timely. I take each connection I accept into my life seriously - maybe it's the only child in me, longing for deeper connection - so, I find it difficult to simply let go when a relationship has run it's course. Your recent writings on this have been helpful for me as I navigate the release of connections that no longer serve me. It's a painful realization that a connection you valued, did not value you in return. My lesson has been not to internalize it - something I'm still working on. Thank you for sharing - after reading this I feel a little less alone.
I am an only child, too! I feel you 100%. This: "My lesson has been not to internalize it..." spot on. Thank you for reading. x
This. Still working through the sadness of the end of a relationship and looking forward to the day when I can remember the good and appreciate the lessons. Thank you ❤️
"Choosing to unlearn this is an act of self-preservation." Yes, yes, and amen.
This was such a beautiful read--thank you! So many little nuggets of goodness in this essay, and I think the one that struck me the most was; "Some connections are intended to end, and in their ending, they teach us how to choose ourselves again." I felt this so deeply. It's not selfish to choose yourself--it's healing. It's necessary. It's loving yourself enough to choose yourself, and that can be a hard thing to muster. Thank you again for this essay. Sending you nothing but love, admiration and gratitude.
I felt this way just the other day and had to stop myself from calling.
I have to stop myself often… I hear you.
Needed thisss!!! Thank you Alex, spot on👏👏
Glad it found you at the right time! xo
Beautiful words , learning and growing …
Learning and growing always, all ways.
Thank you for something so beautifully written and so meaningful. I’ve recently walked away from a long term relationship and I was meant to read this. Thank you.