This article came at just the right time. I'm quitting my "first real job" I've been at for nearly 4 years with the new year. I've been full-time at a state psychiatric hospital and it has been a lot for my nervous system for a multitude of reasons. I just signed on to be a nanny for 10 hours less per week and make the same pay. I have found myself self-conscious of telling people this (especially my parents), but affirming why I am doing this has been so helpful. I look forward to a reset and freeing up more literal and energetic space to move closer towards what is in alignment for me.

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I feel you Kathryn! Thanks for this validation. I too find it hard to share what I’m doing now with some of my closest humans. I’ve started to take note of who is building me up and focusing my energy there rather than over explaining to people who don’t “get it”. I left my teaching job of 7 years in September & I’m working a part time job and building up my own coaching practice. I’m accepting that I would rather honor myself and my needs by piecing together several fulfilling jobs than disregard my purpose just for the sake of having a job “people understand”. You got this! I’ll be rooting for you.

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I am celebrating you! Thank you for sharing with me/us here. x

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I want to let go of my need for perfection & control. Even my dreams & creativity need some breathing room. When I spend my energy clenching my fists around things I often stifle any potentially amazing sparks and miss the goodness right in front of me.

I love the gray you refer too. I just wrote about the concept of “embracing the gray” in my newsletter recently. It’s so STINKING hard. However, I find it’s just another muscle. The more we practice letting go and living with some uncertainty the easier it gets.

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WHEW! Yes, I feel this. Thank you for sharing here. Being in the middle, or as you say, embracing the gray, is so important.

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I don't know what I am quitting yet this year. God, please help me and all of us make the value-guided decisions that we want to make.

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This is such a timely read for me. I am letting go of the cycle I have been going on in my relationship with a friend. When there are romantic interests, things can get confusing & boundaries are crossed, but for many reasons I have to quit that so I can truly focus on finding me. For the past few days I have hated the feeling of letting him go, but as I have shifted my perspective I’m finally reaching a place of peace with it. I’m not there 100% just yet, but I trust that this is needed for me to be able to accept my gift of greater.

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Love this. I also commend you for realizing it’s okay to make change before we are at 100%, because truthfully nothing in life will ever be 100%. ❤️

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Yes to all of this. some lessons we need to revisit again and again.

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Yes, yes! Thank you.

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Alex, Very nice. To me it is not quitting but growing - shedding what no longer serves. D

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Love it! There's space for it all. Releasing the things no longer in alignment without shame or guilt.

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Sometimes, it can be great to apply for a new job and just see where it takes you. If anything it proves to yourself that you can do it, even if you find the job not to be for you in the end. Remember, you are interviewing them just as much as the other way round.

You will gain great experience whatever and stop the feeling of being trapped in your current job. Even if you decide to ultimately stay, you will find a new lease of life .

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I’m quitting a friendship of a very long time, well two and while I love them dearly and have wanted to stay close we cannot be. I have been going back and forth on this for some time now and have finally accepted we are just no longer the same people and are not good for each other. It hurts but I know it’s what best for me and the most important factor. It feels extremely

hard to let go, like I’m giving up, the quitter. I feel sad and lots of grief, but at the same time it feels nice to wish them well from afar and proud of me for choosing my wellness. For saying no to something that I know is not healthy for me and allowing that space to be filled by something that is.

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Loved this! ❤︎ I couldn’t agree more. I’ve passed that phase of letting go “things, people & opportunities” bc they didn’t feel aligned to who I am today.

It was hard as f. But now I know in my heart that I made the right decision & I’m living my best life even thought there’re lots of things that I wish were different. But I’m working on them to happen.

Thanks Alex! Reading you was a breath of fresh air.

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Thank you for sharing this. I have been on a long path of letting go for a number of years, and it feels like I am at a transformation point in that journey. I am letting go of anger and hardness, to allow softness and my true nature and light to shine.

This has involved letting go of work that had turned toxic, and other aspects of my businesses and relationships that have not served me. I have found the capacity to pause and just be by learning the indicators of where my reactions contain a question, where I am resisting, where I am holding holding holding to a defended self who is no longer needed. I am learning to be grateful for what I have been able to do and where I have been able to get with the help of my armour, my grief. I am practicing thanking my armour for her service, and letting her be, letting her go from my life moving forward so that I can experience more peace, more joy, more connection, more life.

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This article speaks to what I am currently going through in my life and business. After being a burnt out hairstylist for over 12 years and salon owner for 2 years, I've decided to close my salon and retire from my career as a hairstylist. It's hard letting go of what I've built. It's been emotional to pack up my beautiful salon space, but it is necessary for me to let go and move forward with my true passion of coaching. Thank you for this encouraging newsletter that me the space to be at peace with my decision.

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These words came at exactly the right time. 🙏 I needed the reminder that just because I have years invested in something doesn’t obligate me to “finish” it. That I can pivot at anytime to step away from the struggle and strengthen alignment to my truest self. And at the same time, it’s an absolutely terrifying thought.....one that brings me to my knees on some days. I will save this post and come back to it every time I need to find strength. Thank you, Alex ❤️

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This article has come at a time when I really needed it. I am slowly in the process of letting go of a close friendship that I did not see myself letting go of. This article brought me a feeling of freedom and reinforces my decision to allow that friendship to fall away without feeling the guilt of trying to see if I made the right decision. It came down to the friendship not being healthy. This article gave me peace in that decision and being able to grateful for the lessons.

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This article was so affirming. Thanks for the reshare!

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Thanks very much, love this as always ✨✨❤❤✨✨❤❤💕💕

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This came at such the right moment. Feels like Grace. Thank you for your work.

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