Jun 27Liked by Alex Elle

What better inspiration for a book on relationships than the motivation you’re getting from the strength of your relationships! I cannot wait to read it. Greetings from NY ❤️

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Alex Elle

I’m called to create deeply imaginative and compelling art, writing and live experiences that make me happy and that I want to see in the world! I’m grateful for a small community of Black women writers, creatives and friends. Honestly every time I was able

to go away and create I found this beautiful balance of enjoying my environment and producing work. I chose to center joy while in the creative act and out of it. I was able to complete the first draft of a stage work after spending a week in Philly in Nov 2021. I spent most days writing at Akwaaba Mansion as well as visiting art museums.

In this season I want a long residency, a well paid fellowship, an agent and to be a traveling nomad. I need a writers retreat. I need to generate more income and organize my life so I can move around comfortably. I need a sabbatical where I do nothing. I need continuous peace of mind.

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NYC has a way... and this is gold. Really enjoyed being there with you just now in this piece. And especially this:

"If there's any wisdom I've gleaned throughout my career, it is this: When it comes to your creativity, craft, and dreams, staying close to people who truly see and celebrate you is essential. Surround yourself with those who can genuinely hold your joy and good news. There is no room for naysayers. Your dreams are delicate and deserving of care. Stay away from those who do not believe in you or your greatness."

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Well said Elena! 👏🏻

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that's from Alex's piece... she is the wordsmith as ever!

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Appreciate you sharing the reminder nonetheless! :)

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I don't see a link for joining you at a retreat! The streets are talkin’! It's about that time. 😉

Seriously tho, I know you have a lot on your plate. I am thrilled for you that you got this time away. It looks like it was refreshing, reenergizing! Exactly what you need! Exactly what I need!

Btw…the fragrance! I put it on in the morning yesterday. Last night I walked into my bathroom and I was like, what smells so good in here? Oh! It's me! 🤗

Thank you for being exactly who you are. 🩷

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Alex - I could cry. I was just thinking on my way to my home office, after dropping my toddler at day care....that I see no time for creativity or pursuit of my passion projects. When you talk about the way your husband partnered with you to ensure time monthly, for you to go away and create...it reminds me that I MUST be intentional in setting up time for myself to get in a space that allows me to create.

1. I have so many ideas that are calling me to create, scripts in my mind that respond to the problems I am solving as mother, worker, neighbor, daughter, sister, business owner, problem solver, God lover, technology implementer.

2. I really need to rethink the circle of support. I know I have my parents, and my son's fathers, a few really encouraging family, and several friends. But I need to assess what role I am allowing them to pla in this process.

3. A few weeks back, I had an opportunity to travel 4 hours away to Indy and celebrate my birthday. Even the drive was nourishing to my soul... I found myself recording my thoughts and having a brain dump to help clear away overwhelming thoughts, but also a way to document ideas. Taking time to be in the Newfield Gardens and Museum still has me inspired creatively.

4. These days, I too need space and time intentionally carved out for creative pursuits. It means saying no to some other things and emphatically saying YES to making my creative outlet a priority.

Thank you for the space to reflect on these needs. You are a jewel. <3

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When you find what nourishes and sustains your soul, you know you're on the right track. Paying attention to what encourages us to become more of who we are puts us in the "flow" Those who know "flow" as being in the zone, is the mental state in which we are fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of what we are creating. It was

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who discovered that people find genuine satisfaction during a state of consciousness called Flow. He was considered the founder of positive psychology. What I know is that is when time seems suspended.

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This is great! So happy you found your groove in writing again. I’m finding that I get creative thoughts in the middle of the night when I’m up feeding the baby😩. I don’t write then but jot down some ideas.

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This is a wonderful journaling prompt - How does space and time nourish your creativity?

I've been pondering - women in business want to generate new ideas and thrive in business and rest gives the space and time for new ideas to flourish

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Well Nikki, what's your goal?

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Thank you

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I have unexpectedly been given the gift of time when they ran out of funding for my job. While using this time to decide what next I am finishing quilts and quilted wall hangings some of which were started more than 8 years ago. It is so much easier when I can work steady instead of squeezing in my creativity between work and home responsibilities. I also have the brain space for creating new designs.

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I have a friend who did something similar, though not due to funding, but while on maternity leave got so into her passion for quilting, and slow living, that she established a small business around it - I interviewed her here in case of interest 😊🧵


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Loved everything about this Alex, your words, pictures, and prompts! 🙌

Also looking forward to your session at the Content Spark Summit - though am in the UK so will likely be catching up tomorrow morning 😊

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Again, what a beautiful space to be held in…literally and figuratively. Where did you stay? The view is stunning!

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I love this for you! Brooklyn is definitely a great nesting place to be energized + renewed with imagination + words galore…a place where work + play go hand-in-hand!

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Television is calling me. Using TV and film as medium to tell the stories of others.

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Found these words so encouraging this morning. Thank you. The work is so personal for me- no room for naysayers, only speakers of light. Thank you!

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You look glowing!! 🌞

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