This morning, as the sun's rays peered through the trees and made the leaves glow a beautiful golden hue, I set out on my daily walk. Taking deliberate steps along the familiar paths of my neighborhood feels really nourishing for me. Not to mention, this Autumn season is my spirit’s season! I love this time of year with deep passion. The crisp air filled my lungs, awakening my senses to the world around me, inviting me to pay attention and be with everything coming up. No shame, no guilt. Just noticing. While walking, the leaves crunching under my Birkenstocks made me smile. Once I turned on my favorite tree-lined street, I decided to create a little audio note—a ritual I've come to cherish over the last 26 months.
I've been walking every day for over two years now. And what I've come to realize is that the act of speaking my thoughts into existence while in motion profoundly affects me. It allows me to process in a way that feels like an act of self-love. As my This Morning Walk partner, Libby DeLana, says, putting motion to emotions is sacred work. I've grown to see this practice as a moving prayer. There's a certain visceral quality to it—a cathartic release that occurs as I walk and talk through my feelings and thoughts. This marrying of my innermost thoughts and the rhythm of my footsteps reminds me exactly why I chose this path and practice.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the significance of having people in our lives who are unconditionally in our corner, those who wholeheartedly support our success and well-being. As humans, we need our community. It's important that the people in our sphere care about our wellness and want the best for us. The bonds we form with others shape the very essence of our existence. It's normal to want to feel supported, encouraged, and loved—it's not just a desire; it's a fundamental need.
Yet, I can't help but think how some of us have not been fortunate enough to experience having a team of champions cheering us on. Instead, many of us have grown accustomed to a different narrative, one where we're consistently counted out, where the odds always seem stacked against us. Sometimes, from the people we love and look to the most.
In this audio journal, I lean deep into these thoughts. I hope that as you listen, you feel less alone and more connected. The audio is raw, so bear with me. In these moments of vulnerability, I hope we can all find a deeper understanding of ourselves and the profound impact of those who stand by our side.
May we all find solace in the shared journey of navigating the complex terrain of human connection.
Thank you for being with me on this journey. I am so grateful for you all.
Community Questions:
Do you have a winning circle? What does it look/feel like in your life?
What are you unlearning about self-celebration?
How are you growing and changing this season?
Who are you wanting to stay close to on this healing and growth journey?
What words of wisdom would you offer your younger self about the company they keep?
I’m crying again
I am 1 of so many that are navigating so much alone.
I am in some kind of transitional funk
I love your content
This post made me feel emotional. I know I’ve always been the one that was relied upon from a very young age. I was the eldest and a support system for my mother and my brothers. It wasn’t until my breakthrough/break down in my late 20s that I realised I needed a support system too. My 30s has very much been about looking for and building that up. For me it’s a feeling; I don’t have to talk to my dearest friends everyday but I know I could reach out at any point and they would be there for me. Since having children I find it harder to connect with friends in real life but do make the effort as I know we fill each others cups. During the in-between times, I’d say a lot of my support comes from Substack and the community I see and feel in here. I’m looking forward to getting the babies to bed where I can listen to your audio. Forever grateful for your words and presence here Alex.