I’m crying again

I am 1 of so many that are navigating so much alone.

I am in some kind of transitional funk

I love your content


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This post made me feel emotional. I know I’ve always been the one that was relied upon from a very young age. I was the eldest and a support system for my mother and my brothers. It wasn’t until my breakthrough/break down in my late 20s that I realised I needed a support system too. My 30s has very much been about looking for and building that up. For me it’s a feeling; I don’t have to talk to my dearest friends everyday but I know I could reach out at any point and they would be there for me. Since having children I find it harder to connect with friends in real life but do make the effort as I know we fill each others cups. During the in-between times, I’d say a lot of my support comes from Substack and the community I see and feel in here. I’m looking forward to getting the babies to bed where I can listen to your audio. Forever grateful for your words and presence here Alex.

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What a beautiful post. It especially resonated with me as I just wrote a post about the act of walking and talking- I would love for you to read if it’s interesting to you :)

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Yes! Share it here. <3

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Maybe it’s cosmic? Some sort of post-eclipse synergy? I, too, wrote about walking, observing, and letting ourselves experience community with the non-human world. It’s not the same as having a circle of champions, or a world without war. ButI think it helps.


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Beautiful words, as always ❤️ Thank you for reminding me that my daily walks can be and have been transformative and healing. I take pride in being able to rediscover and reinvent myself over and over again 🧡and I welcome this new season with an open heart and mind🍂

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Big hugs and love to you, Allyson.

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^ Here it is! A post on how I use walking as therapy

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Thank you for acknowledging those of us who don't have anyone cheering us on. It's very lonely

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I find morning walks so healing this time of year too, it's amazing to see the changes that happen even daily! I've been getting back into the swing of things after a holiday and it's reminded me of just how important it is to get outside and connect ❤️

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Confirmation comes quicker than the blink of an eye for me.

This post is everything that reminds me to see the beauty in everything and everyone.

I had to pick myself, two furbabies, and move back home to NY for a month.

So my daughter, who just turned 40 in August could run our family business without worrying who would care for her two small girls, London 9, and a Carla 7.

On unfamiliar grounds, while waking my furbabies, I entered this amazing park.

The trees are plentiful, squirrels running, gathering all the acorns they could to store up for this season.

The Burt’s colors of different tress amazingly spoke so loud. Blowing seamlessly, some falling to the ground for me to touch.

There was a pond with ducks, and some other unknown to me birds there too.

Just doing what they do.

I was overjoyed for many reasons.

God allowed me to find this beautiful park, I can walk in every day! At least two times a day!

Also to see nature just doing what this season called for. Showing us how change is necessary and can be beautiful.

As we left the park, this corner house had such an amazing garden of vegetables, and some live stock. I think chicken or hens🤷🏽‍♀️

My furbabies were amazed by them, I was too!!!

The grateful moments hit me!

Sehven, my daughter works so hard for our business, while providing a lifestyle for my grandchildren to see beautiful things right near them.

So, she texted me while on my walk to say hey mom, guess what?

Cindy Hsu, from CBS News, channel 2 wants to interview me about “A Haunting In Hollis” (our home) tomorrow!

It will air on Friday October 20th at 9am!

The next grateful moment reminded me to stay present in living in those moments.

See, Oct 20, 1996 my daddy transitioned leaving this earth.

Stay present in the moment, great things are happening. However, we can miss them by not staying present.

So grateful for my morning walks with my furbabies 🐾🐾

Thanks, Alex.

You truly came into my life to to disrupt and awaken the little girl in me who loves to explore and be curious about life🧡🖤

Bless you🧡🍁

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Goodness! What a beautiful comment. Thank you for sharing.

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I absolutely resonate with this post. I am so happy you share your journey with us. Two things stood out:

1. I have at one point in my life used movement to talk through my feelings and emotions as they were coming up. At that time I felt as though I had no one to hear me out and I was the best person to listen to me so when I was on my way home from work I would walk up to the bus terminal and talk to myself the entire time, most times in anger or trying to process what was happening in my life. Sometimes I’d even take a voice-note in an effort to may be possibly share it with the person (note I never did lol). All that being said it was so therapeutic for me as it often felt like the walls were coming in. 10/10 definitely recommend. And maybe this has been a reminder for me to get back to this practice. Thank you.

2. Feeling like I have a community has been a topic that has been recurring over the last few years. I’ve been consistently reevaluating friendships trying to understand what I really want in a community, and what that looks like has shifted over the years. I’ve started to realize that I don’t have the support and love that I truly want and need in the people I’ve often spent majority of time with and I am working on changing that. In my sessions with my therapist our present theme is boundaries and that has been really hard. There is this fear that people will respond negatively about my change. However, I press on anyway.

Thanks so much sharing, through these messages and through your writing.

I live in Barbados so it is not always easy to attend your in person sessions but some day!! 💛

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Thank you for this. I can related to so much of what you’ve said. Recently, after many years of trying to figure out how to have a constructive and loving relationship without lasting success,I have had to separate myself from my adult son, who has never been someone who wants me to win. It’s sad truly, but loving myself means I choose not to spend time with him. It’s been one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make but I know I deserve better than what he is able to offer me. I really appreciate that you are sharing your process with us.

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So beautifully written. I started walking daily about a year ago and I must say that walking during this time of the year is the best. Usually when the season changes, I can feel my body demanding rest. However, as I am trying to break the patterns of toxic productivity in my life, I feel overwhelmed sometimes. I try to shift my attention to the little things in my life like daily walks, reading before going to bed, noticing the sky from my balcony. I think the air is certainly filled with a spirit of community during this time and it makes me miss my closest friends who stood by me in good and bad times.

Great post!💛

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Yes! I am creating a community of people who support and celebrate me on purpose. It's absolutely terrible that many of us feel like it's normal for us to feel like we come from an environment that builds self esteem. You're right, it shouldn't be so normal. And unfortunately, for me, it's often family members who contributed to this dysfunction. And the notion of offering others compassion for their own thinking process is something I journaled about today. I decided that rather than being upset about other people's words and behaviors, it makes better sense to put my energy into compassion so I have more space for creating what serves me.

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Being present in our bodies (and to our bodies) seems an unusual practice these day. Most of us, probably for socio-cultural reasons, underestimate the immense wisdom our bodies have. Thank you for this gentle reminder ☺️

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I walk daily as well and my walks are also prayers in motion, it’s when I feel most aligned and most in love. Thank you for sharing here. This is inspiring me to spring forward in creating projects that have been on my heart to get back into sharing and writing.

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Oh I love these journalling prompts naturally with the autumn season I’ve started to reflect on some of these topics so the prompts serve well for further exploration. Thank you ✨

Walking is my medicine own form of meditation.

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