This post made me feel emotional. I know I’ve always been the one that was relied upon from a very young age. I was the eldest and a support system for my mother and my brothers. It wasn’t until my breakthrough/break down in my late 20s that I realised I needed a support system too. My 30s has very much been about looking for and buildin…
This post made me feel emotional. I know I’ve always been the one that was relied upon from a very young age. I was the eldest and a support system for my mother and my brothers. It wasn’t until my breakthrough/break down in my late 20s that I realised I needed a support system too. My 30s has very much been about looking for and building that up. For me it’s a feeling; I don’t have to talk to my dearest friends everyday but I know I could reach out at any point and they would be there for me. Since having children I find it harder to connect with friends in real life but do make the effort as I know we fill each others cups. During the in-between times, I’d say a lot of my support comes from Substack and the community I see and feel in here. I’m looking forward to getting the babies to bed where I can listen to your audio. Forever grateful for your words and presence here Alex.
This post made me feel emotional. I know I’ve always been the one that was relied upon from a very young age. I was the eldest and a support system for my mother and my brothers. It wasn’t until my breakthrough/break down in my late 20s that I realised I needed a support system too. My 30s has very much been about looking for and building that up. For me it’s a feeling; I don’t have to talk to my dearest friends everyday but I know I could reach out at any point and they would be there for me. Since having children I find it harder to connect with friends in real life but do make the effort as I know we fill each others cups. During the in-between times, I’d say a lot of my support comes from Substack and the community I see and feel in here. I’m looking forward to getting the babies to bed where I can listen to your audio. Forever grateful for your words and presence here Alex.