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I absolutely resonate with this post. I am so happy you share your journey with us. Two things stood out:

1. I have at one point in my life used movement to talk through my feelings and emotions as they were coming up. At that time I felt as though I had no one to hear me out and I was the best person to listen to me so when I was on my way home from work I would walk up to the bus terminal and talk to myself the entire time, most times in anger or trying to process what was happening in my life. Sometimes I’d even take a voice-note in an effort to may be possibly share it with the person (note I never did lol). All that being said it was so therapeutic for me as it often felt like the walls were coming in. 10/10 definitely recommend. And maybe this has been a reminder for me to get back to this practice. Thank you.

2. Feeling like I have a community has been a topic that has been recurring over the last few years. I’ve been consistently reevaluating friendships trying to understand what I really want in a community, and what that looks like has shifted over the years. I’ve started to realize that I don’t have the support and love that I truly want and need in the people I’ve often spent majority of time with and I am working on changing that. In my sessions with my therapist our present theme is boundaries and that has been really hard. There is this fear that people will respond negatively about my change. However, I press on anyway.

Thanks so much sharing, through these messages and through your writing.

I live in Barbados so it is not always easy to attend your in person sessions but some day!! 💛

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